Internet Site Rules and Regulations
The Internet site,
Is the official site of St. Andrew's Galilee LTD, company number 511727620,and operator of the Scots Hotel (hereinafter, "the hotel").
The reservation of a staying in the hotel can be made telephonically throughat telephone number 04-6710710 or through this Internet site.
Reservations through this site can be made on specific conditions that usersdeclare that they have read the Rules and Regulations and agree to the
specific conditions in full. Users also agree that they, or a third party acting ontheir behalf, will not lodge any complaint and / or demand and / or lawsuit
directly and / or indirectly against the Internet site and / or against the chainand / or anyone operating on the behalf of the chain.
Reservation of vacation packages Customers making reservations throughthis Internet site are required to fill in their personal details, including ID or
passport number and credit card's number. Filling in incorrect personal detailswill result in taking legal action against the customer for damages that may be
caused to the Internet site and / or to the chain and / or a third part on theirbehalf.
The credit card details filled in online through the Internet site are for thepurposes of securing a reservation only. The actual credit card debit will only
be executed on arrival at the hotel. At the end of the online reservationprocess the customer will receive an automatic e-mail message approving the
execution of the reservation. The customer is required to print the contents ofthis message and present it on arrival at the hotel reception.
Conditions and limitations
1. The prices quoted on the Internet site are in New Israeli Shekels, includeVAT and are intended for Israeli citizens only.
The English version of our website offers net rates for tourists and does not include VAT
Israeli Guests will be charged 18% tax on reservations made through this section
in accordance with Israeli law.
The reservation of vacation packages for foreign citizens is available through the Internet site in dollars in accordance with the updated price lists at the time of
reservation, and payment is in foreign currency or is calculated according to the hotel's payment rate on the day of payment.
2. The hotel is permitted to change the conditions of the vacation package reservation as well as the price of the packages at any time.
3. The number of rooms in the hotel is limited, and executing a reservation is subject to availability only.
4. Residence at the hotel begins on the date of arrival at 15:00 up to 12:00 on the date of departure. Arrival and / or departure times that are not in
accordance with these hours requires approval in advance of the hotel management and involves an additional fee.
5. Baby – up to the 3 years of age. Child – from 3 years old and up– will be charged as adult.
The accommodation of children and youth under the age of 18 is available only if accompanied by an adult over the age of 21.
6. The pictures on the website are for illustration purposes only and do not oblige the hotel.
7. Errors and omissions, excepted.
Cancellation of reservation
Cancellation fee during regular season:
Reservation may be cancelled up to 72 hours prior to arrival date.
A sum equals to one night will be charged for a cancelled reservation (less than 72 hours) and /or non show reservation.
Cancellation fee during Jewish and Gregorian holidays as well as the month of August:
Guests canceling a reservation up to 7 days before the arrival date will not be charged.
Guests canceling a reservation less than 7 days before the arrival date will be charged for the reservation in full.